How Do I Unlock iPhone 8 GB

Have you ever heard the word unlocking? Unlocking the iPhone is the loss of SIM lock so you just can use cellular GSM plus AT & T only to make and receive calls. You can make calls in no time. Use QuickPWN free program that gives you the choice of jailbreaking on my iPhone 8 GB.

How to unlock iPhone 8 GB

• Save and restore your iPhone through iTunes.
Connect your iPhone to your computer, and then open iTunes and click on your iPhone in the left pane of the window. If your iPhone does not sync automatically, you should click ‘Sync’ in the ‘Summary’ tab in order to back up running.
If you have 8 GB iPhone sync and click ‘restore’ to erase iPhone and factory settings. With this step so as not to install applications Settings at the time the process of unlocking.

• firmware version.
After the iPhone is restored it will take a long time, you have to check on the phone firmware version by way of browsing settings then select General Info and go to the open version. Don’t forget, you must make a note of this number.

How Do I Unlock iPhone 8 GB

• Insert the SIM card into the iPhone.
The SIM stores the data in your account to be able to identify on mobile devices to your network. If you are removing the SIM card from the phone, you simply pull out the SIM from the iPhone. Use an existing tool to press the button at the top of the phone. You need to be careful when inserting the SIM card. Make sure your SIM card is still in the process of unlocking. Useful for avoiding compatibility with your operator.

• Download and install QuickPWN fillers, firmware, and boot.
The first step is to go to the home page of QuickPWN, you will see writing downloads. Then QuickPWN will download the appropriate firmware and version. Aim at the time of downloading boot chargers using the links provided. After the process is complete and then save it to a folder that is on your computer. And ready for the process of unlocking.

• Unlock your iPhone.
Open the QuickPWN and follow the instructions, and then select the version of your iPhone and search for BIOS and the chargers. Be prepared to press the keypad is continual. If one can try again later.

• Complete the process.
If QuickPWN has been completed, then the iPhone will be locked. The process is complete and you can make a call to the new operator.

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